Peter Lenchur MD, PhD, FACC, FSCAI

Electrocardiogram, Echocardiogram, Stress Testing, Vascular Imagin, Event Monitors / Holter Monitor, Stress Echocardiography, Cardiac Catheterization & Coronary Stenting, Peripheral Arterial Disease Screening, Peripheral Arterial Angiograms & Stenting for PAD, Stroke Screening, Venous Ultrasound for Assessing Varicose Veins, Deep Vein Thrombosis, and Chronic Venous Insufficiency, Heart Failure Monitoring, Heart Failure Management, Pulmonary Hypertension Management
Foreign Languages:
Hungarian, Ukrainian, Russian, Spanish, Polish
Insurance Plans Accepted:
Aetna, Cigna, HealthNet, Medicare, WellCare, Humana, BCBS, United Health Care, Wellpoint
Verify that your physician accepts your insurance, and check your benefits with your insurance company.
Education information, including: Medical School attended, years since graduation, and Residency, are all available in the Detailed Report.
Five-Star Recognition:
HealthGrades Recognized and Five-Star designations are available in the Detailed Report.

Group Practice:

Peter M Lenchur MD
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State License Information:
Licensed in New Jersey
What is Cardiology?
Cardiology is the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. A cardiologist is a physician who specializes in treating heart conditions such as abnormal heart rhythms, heart attacks, coronary artery disease, congenital heart defects, and disease of the heart valves. A cardiologist can inform your doctor about new drugs or tests that may be beneficial to you. Some heart conditions can cause permanent damage to the heart muscle, and can be fatal. Methods that cardiologists use to study heart conditions include stress tests, a monitor to record your heart rate and rhythm, a biopsy, which studies a tiny piece of heart tissue, and an echocardiogram, which uses sound waves to show a picture of how your heart works.